Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wisconsin's Budget Battle

Union workers are furious over the proposed budget cuts to their benefits.  Union workers and advocacy groups have held rallies to show the disagreement over such proposal.  The proposal will require for workers to cover their own health care and pension and would be limited to pay increases.  The governor of Wisconsin, according to Gov. Walker claims that if such budget is not passed that the local government state aid could be cut.  The state has a shortfall of $137 million and by 2013 it will be $3.6 billion.  Opposition says, that the Governor is trying to destroy public employee unions in the state and not caring for the well being of the workers.

I think this is a good article to read and follow through as Wisconsin is not the only state to have unions that negotiate pay increases, insurance and pension benefits for Police offices, firefighters, nurses and other skill industries.  If this budget is approved, the inflated prices for benefits will hinder the union member's finances.   If this proposal is approves, will give other states lead way to also go forward and cut benefits for their workers.   Leaving the workers with very little or no protection against the possibility of even having the guarantee of a job. 

To read more about it CLICK here.